Spoiler warning: The following text contains spoiler for the plot
Preparations for the Great Departure[]
Set to depart from Serene harbour soon, newly appointed Legate of the Congregation of Merchants De Sardet is urged to complete any pending business in the city of Serene before undertaking the long journey across the see to mysterious island of Teer Fradee. Congregation's hope is that their new colony on the island will provide a base of operations to find a cure for Malichor plague and expand their influence. This includes bidding farewell to De Sardet's mother Princess Livie De Sardet who is afflicted with Malichor and in the advanced stage of the disease. The Princess gifts De Sardet a pendant as a parting gift.
Promising to find a cure for their mother and others, De Sardet goes into city to meet with cousin Constantin d'Orsay, the newly appointed governor for Teer Fradee, and meanwhile accomplishes number of tasks for different factions represented in the city. These can include dealing with Coin Guard's merchandise, looking for suspected heretics for Theleme, uncovering a possible charlatan for the Bridge Alliance as well as investigating a disappearance mong the Nauts for Captain Vasco.
As Constantine in nowhere to be found De Sardet is also tasked with finding him in order for them to depart. This leads De Sardet on to investigate Constantin's activities from the previous night and eventually leads to his kidnappers.
With Constantin freed, the cousins return to Captain Vasco in the harbour for their departure. However, before they can board their designated ship, a creature from Teer Fradee bursts from one of the vessels. Transported as "cargo" from the island to the continent, the creature is in a dazed state due to potions used to keep it asleep during transport but still attacks the harbour. De Sardet defeats the creature, being forced to kill it, and boards the ship headed for New Serene.
Arriving at Teer Fradee[]
After a long sea voyage, the ships arrive to the New Serene port where De Sardet and Constantin are greeted by doctors, providing them with potions to help them adapt to new environment on the island, and by former governor Madame Laurine de Morange. With their transport successfully completed, Captain Vasco is assigned by Nauts Admiral to accompany De Sardet and aid in business on the island, task which he initially resents as it grounds him and takes away his command over his ship.
While exploring the city, De Sardet meets a young Teer Fardee native Siora who mistakes De Sardet for one of her people due to some common physical characteristics, particularly markings on the face characteristic of on ol menawi. De Sardet explains being a legate and offers Siora, daughter of Queen Bladnid, to help with arranging a meeting with Constantin. At the meeting, Siora requests help to prevent a battle between her clan and the Bridge Alliance. Constantin obliges, as the Congregation of Merchants is neutral and seeking to establish its presence on the island, and tasks De Sardet to help. Additionally, De Sardet is also tasked with meeting with other factions on the island and seeking possible cure for Malichor.
De Sardet is also asked by Mr. De Courcillon to help in expanding Congregation's knowledge and presence on the island by setting up camps in different regions and also recovering notes of respected researcher, Professor Serafeddin, who was exploring and studying the island and particularly its creatures.
Before moving on explore the rest of the island, De Sardet gets the first insights into issues concerning Coin Guard, by resolving pending issues with their equipment from from back in Serene as well as learning that some members of the guard have been abusing merchants - the rogue guards being part of the parallel rogue organization of which members possess silver coins. De Sardet also learns more about treatment of the natives, and can assist one in procuring a permit to sell his goods in the city.
Travelling to Vedrhais with Siora, De Sardet learns that they are late and battle is about to start. They manage to save only Siora's sister, Eseld, who informs them that the Queen has already fallen. After finding and healing the survivors at the battlefield, De Sardet and Siora find her mother's banner and a surviving Bridge Alliance soldier who informs them that the Queen has been taken, giving some hope she is still alive. De Sardet deduces she must have been taken to a nearby camp and promises they will do what they can to bring her back. However, in the camp they discover that the Queen is dead and her body intended to be used for studying. De Sardet can help Siora get the body back and along the way discover and disrupt operation of illegally trafficking weapons with San Matheus.
While exploring the region further, De Sardet uncovers ancient ruins which are not alike Natives' settlements and resemble architecture from the continent, which prompts De Sardet to look into this new mystery.
Business with Hikmet and San Matheus[]
Following up on the task to explore other factions progress in finding a cure to Malichor, De Sardet visits both Bridge Alliance center Hikmet and base of the Theleme in San Matheus. While neither have made breakthrough on Malichor, both are embroiled in number of local issues with which they could use De Sardet help.
In Hikmet, Governor Burhan explains that the Alliance believes the flora of the island is key to curing Malichor but blames the Natives for it being hard to study due to frequent attacks. He asks De Sardet for assistance in looking for an expedition that recently went missing. De Sardet sets out to look for the missing researchers in and along the way meets one of Alliance's scientists - Aphra, who joins in the quest to save the expedition members who are being held captive in the nearby Native camp.
With the expedition recued, Aphra mentions she overheard the Natives talking about a Tierna Harh Cadachtas that has a magical remedy for anything. This prompts De Sardet to look for this person who could potentially have a remedy for Malichor, but this requires gaining trust of the Natives. However, even with assistance provided to the Natives, Tierna is not someone to trust easily and avoids De Sardet.
In pursuit of Tierna, De Sardet is forced to learn more of Natives' rituals and techniques in order to be able to access their sacred areas and successfuly follows in Tierna's footsteps. However, Tierna's distrust of foreigners proves to be justified as De Sardet witnesses Bridge Alliance Spy attack her before they can interact (also revealing Alliances' other motives for sending De Sardet on this quest). Defeating the spy and the Native guardian that has appeared, De Sardet takes injured Tierna Harh Cadachtas, called Mev, back to the village to recuperate. Afterwards, De Sardet learns that Mev can help cure many afflictions but not Malichor and that only being that could potentially help with that is En Ol Mil Frichtimen, which foreigners understand as God of the island.
Arriving in San Matheus, De Sardet Inquisitor Aloysius killing a Native man after a failed attempt to convert him to the Light and burning one of the island's guardians. De Sardet learns more of Theleme's factions and divisions in speaking with the Inquisitor, who is part of the highly zealous group of Ordo Luminis, and also questions De Sardet's faith. Proceeding to meet with Theleme's leader on the island, Mother Cardinal Cornelia, De Sardet also runs into Father Petrus who knows De Sardet from years ago when Petrus was part of a diplomatic mission in Serene. Petrus joins De Sardet for the meeting with Mother Cardinal and subsequent adventures.
Mother Cardinal explains she believes the Malichor is caused by a demonic cult native to Teer Fradee and asks for help with the matter. Investigating Demonical Cult, De Sardet meets with Sister Esptesia who is studying a nearby village believed to be part of the cult. She says the village became violent and has shut her out and requests De Sardet investigates. The village Natives prove to be distrustful of foreigners and De Sardet is eventually forced to look into the home of one Native, where signs of strange worship are found. De Sardet also follows a man to an apparent meeting spot which is hard to access. At the entrance, De Sardet experiences a vision and must decipher it to progress to the meeting spot. In the sanctuary, De Sardet witnesses a blood ritual and Natives conversing, in a way, with what seems to be a spirit.
Another Native from the village explains that the ritual is not what it seems and prompts De Sardet to try to take part in similar ritual. Following this advice, De Sardet goes to Vedvilvie and encounters a cryptic Hermit who reveals that a group of Bridge Alliance soldiers went missing in the swamp and could have necessary ingredients for the ritual. Finding the bodies and needed materials De Sardet starts the ritual and appearing "demon" turns out to be Nadaig Vedemen, one of island's guardians and Hermit's former partner.
Realising the cult has nothing to do with a demon or Malichor, De Sardet informs Mother Cardinal and returns to New Serene to tell Constantin about lack of other factions' progress on Malichor and quests accomplished for them as well as the strange ancient ruins discovered in Verdad. De Sardet also notes that Constantine is beginning to exhibit some signs of an illness, but Constantin dismisses the concerns.
Assisting the Factions and Companions[]
De Sardet can further explore the island, assisting the factions and Natives as well as companions to strengthen relations with them, while also continuing the quest to find the cure for Malichor. Working with the factions helps De Sardet build stronger ties with them and resolving their issues makes them better positioned to come to De Sardet's aid if needed (Note: completing quests and building relationship with different factions can affect other upcoming quests as well as endgame outcomes).
The Children of Teer Fradee[]
To gain the trust of Natives, De Sardet can help them deal with different issues connected to their encounters with people from the continent and also help Siora in the aftermath of her mother's death.
Siora asks De Sardet to help investigate claims by Theleme missionaries that her mother converted and promised continued conversion of their people to the Light in return for assistance in fighting against Bridge Alliance. Siora doubts this is truth and De Sardet can help find original carvings of the concluded contract and reveal missionaries are lying. Depending on how De Sardet deals with the revelation, Siora can leave or stay. If Siora is still present, De Sardet can help her prepare her mother's funeral and support her while she bids her mother farewell.
De Sardet can also help Ullan expand his cooperation with Bridge Alliance. Ullan requests De Sardet communicate his offer to Hikmet and also convince another clan leader, Mordun, to cease their attacks on trade lines. However, the quest also reveals extent of Ullan's ambition as he sets Mordun up to be killed by Alliance and it is only De Sardet who saves him.
Further, De Sardet can also help Natives with the issue of overexploitation of the forest by logging expedition which is also preventing them to replant the trees. This also leads to the discovery that local mine is being exploited by Congregation of Merchants noble without approval and that he is using salve labour. De Sardet can put the stop to his operation, eliminate him and free the slaves, while also making a new deal with the Natives on managing the land.
De Sardet can also help Natives learn more about some of their people being taken by Theleme inquisitors, and discovers they are being taken to secret Ordo Luminis camp. This can also lead De Sardet to discover camp's location and attack it in order to free the Natives held there as well as reveal unsanctioned activities of overzealous Ordo Luminis on the island resulting in their punishment.
The Nauts' Secrets and origins of Naut captain[]
De Sardet can also become more familiar with Naut's secretive ways while both helping Vasco discover details of his origins, kept as secret due to Nauts' practices, and help the Nauts prevent their knowledge from falling in the wrong hands.
Vasco's request for assistance from De Sardet touches upon personal quest as Vasco is interested in finding out who his original family was. Being sea-given Naut, he knows he was given to Naut by his family as part of some deal and would under regular procedures only be allowed to learn the details upon becoming a Commander. Not willing to wait, especially as he was stripped of his rank to go and accompany De Sardet, he asks for help to acquire his personal files from Naut records. As De Sardet retrieves the records, they learn Vasco comes from Congregation of Merchants family D'Arcy, was originally named Leandre, and has a brother called Bastien.
They discover that Bastien is missing after making some bad business deals and set out to find him, as he has been kidnapped to pay his debts. They free him but Vasco does not reveal their connection and does not think much of Bastien, while he knows he could have had a much different life as a noble he considers Nauts his real family.
As a result, he asks De Sardet to help him complete a mission for the Nauts from the Admiral Cabral which leads them to investigate what happened to ship Oriflamme. They learn the ship was transporting one of islands guardians until creature freed itself, caused the ship to crash and killed the crew. Confirming fully his dedication to the Natus, Vasco adds another tattoo to his existing ones.
Admiral Cabral also asks for De Sardet's assistance in preserving Nauts secrets (technology they use to navigate the seas). De Sardet looks into who is trying to set up a meeting via dead drops to sell the Nauts' secrets and learns the person is looking for the highest bidder.
Captain Ruben, who was given command of Vasco's ship when he started accompanying De Sardet, points to recent volunteer member who came from Theleme - Alba - as a potential spy. De Sardet investigates in San Matheus and learns Alba is also searched for by her father, whom she escaped in order not to be sent to become a nun. Following the sleuth hired by her father to find her, De Sardet convinces the man to give up and finds Alba first, who confirms she had nothing to do with selling the secrets and was just trying to escape her father.
De Sardet returns to New Serene and questions Ruben's crew as well as a woman he was seeing in the brother, realising he was dissatisfied with his position and seeking more. This reveals Ruben as the one selling the secrets and De Sardet and Admiral Cabral agree to catch him in the act - they interrupt a meeting where he was attempting to sell the secrets to Coin Guard and put a stop to the plot.
In the Name of Science and Alliance scientist's quest for knowledge[]
De Sardet can choose to assist Aphra in learning more about the island and Natives as well as the Bridge Alliance in dealing with their issues with the islanders and learn more about the work of Doctor Asili - Aphra's former mentor and Alliance's renowned scientist seeking to cure Malichor.
Aphra's request for assistance has De Sardet look into Natives culture to learn how they are transforming into guardians. To this end, De Sardet and Aphra can witness a ritual meant to determine if couple of Natives - Morian and Yewan - are ready to create a bond to the island and what their next steps need to be. The same couple later points De Sardet and Aphra to the Cave of Knowledge which is the next step on their path to be bonded to the island. Visiting the cave, they learn more of the ritual but realise they can only find out more if they witness one.
They convince Dunncas to allow them to see one (for Yewan) and during the ritual have to help defend the natives from the attack by a number of Bridge Alliance soldiers. With the attack thwarted, Aphra notes she recognises the some of the soldiers who attacked and that they worked for her former mentor - Doctor Asili, who is apparently using Natives in his experiments. Aphra also underlines these experiences have helped her understand Natives, and how Alliance's methods and pursuit of scientific discovery without proper regard for the island has affected them.
At the same time, Bridge Alliance is holding Natives responsible for the conflicts between them and Governor Burhan tasks De Sardet with looking into attacks on caravans by Native groups. De Sardet finds the group responsible but learns they are doing it primarily in response to capturing of other Natives from their villages and are planning a full on attack on the city to free them. Burhan dismisses the claims but eventually tasks De Sardet with discovering the truth behind the Natives' disappearances.
De Sardet finds Natives' camp where they are healing their wounded and preparing to free their comrades who are taken to Alliance's laboratory in the city. De Sardet is then caught in the middle of Alliance's attack on the Natives' camp and must choose a side in the fight. Either way, De Sardet returns to Hikmet to question Burhan, who again claims ignorance of the attack or planned abductions of Natives, but admits to knowing of the existence of the laboratory - headed by Doctor Asili.
De Sardet infiltrates the laboratory and frees the prisoners, not just Natives but also a Naut, and confronts Doctor Asili. De Sardet can either kill Asili on the spot or arrest him. Returning to Burhan, De Sardet learns Asili has many supporters and that many feel his methods, while cruel and inhumane, could have led to finding a cure for Malichor and thus could have been tolerated in the end.
If he is arrested instead of killed, De Sardet will need to find enough evidence and witnesses to secure a conviction at the trial. This includes compromising documents from Asili's laboratory, testimonies from the Natives, the Naut, Hikmet's scientists, Asili's colleague Doctor Onur, and Aphra. With all the gathered evidence, Asili is found guilty and publicly beheaded.
While collecting evidence De Sardet also learns that Asili was in possession of powder of highly concentrated Malichor (collected from black blood of several ill people) that could have been used to infect large number of people. This also leads to the discovery that both De Sardet and Constantin ingested the contaminated liquids upon their arrival on the island when they were provided potions in the New Serene harbour by one of Asili's co-workers.
The Origins of Theleme[]
Interacting with Theleme members, De Sardet can learn that they believe the island of Teer Fradee to be the final resting place of their prophet, Saint Matheus, mentioned in their holy texts. De Sardet can help with this research and is sent to the settlement of Eden - Theleme settlement on top of former Native village where Theleme settlers and remaining Natives are attempting to live together. The place is also near where Theleme is looking for possible texts made by Saint Matheus, some of which have been recently discovered but subsequently stolen. De Sardet discovers tablets were taken by Natives, who were kicked out of their village for not agreeing with following Theleme's practices, and retrieves them for reasearch.
Coming back as research is complete, De Sardet learns trouble has befallen a local Theleme settlers as couple got poisoned. De Sardet has local Natives create an antidote and the cured man points De Sardet to theologists' camp. There De Sardet witnesses arguments between different groups - those who wish to continue looking into the secrets of the tablets led by Sister Eugenia and those who wish to stop led by Brother Virgil. De Sardet can look into disappearances for missionaries and learn they have been murdered and their deaths staged by Virgil, who is Ordo Luminis, to convince others to leave as looking into the tablets could significantly disturb Theleme's teachings. De Sardet can take bribe from Virgil, convince him to leave or simply reveal the discovery (wich causes a fight).
Either way, De Sardet is subsequently tasked to follow in the footsteps of Saint Matheus and try to find the man's last resting place. De Sardet defeats on of island's guardians and finds a cave where Saint Matheus spent his time, realising he started blending the elements of his faith with that of the Natives and considered all of their beliefs to be part of the same religion. The evidence can then be turned over to either Eugenia, to take it to Mother Cardinal, or Virgil, to destroy it. In talking with Mother Cardinal, De Sardet can either support revealing the truth, hiding it or let Mother Cardinal visit the cave and decide on her own (and she chooses to hid the truth).
Missing Coin Guard Recruits[]
Looking into signs of corruption in the Coin Guard, as gleaned even back in Serene with their merchandise and upon arrival in New Serene with revelations that some of them are harassing merchants, De Sardet can also help Kurt find out more about the faith of a young Coin Guard recruit Reiner.
The recruit is revealed to have died under strange circumstances and De Sardet and Kurt investigate. They discover that the recruit did not drown as indicated by the mortician, but rather beaten to death, and that mortician was intimidated to lie. The talk to lieutenants and recruits and eventually learn of the existence of the ghost regiment, from which soldiers do not return alive.
Kurt eventually learns ghost regiment camp's location from his contacts and he and De Sardet go to visit it. The camp is supposedly for training Coin Guard's elite, but recruits and instructors there are not willing to reveal much, until Kurt manages to distract instructors enough for De Sardet to talk to one of the recruits. Wilhelm reveals that "training" is more akin to torture as they are constantly beaten and humiliated, and that what they are learning to do is more useful for assassins. He also tells De Sardet that Reiner stood up to the instructors and was summoned for "night training" where other recruits were forced to beat him to death. De Sardet and Kurt pretend to leave the camp, only to return at night and search the premises finding evidence of activities there. They also sneak through the camp to apprehend Captain Rolf and put an end to the camp. With Rolf dealt with, they realise that Coin Guard Commander Torsten must be aware of everything that is going on and that they need to inform someone of all of the activities. Kurt suggests Major Sieglinde in New Serene, whom he trusts, and who confirms she and those loyal to her will stand with him in case of anything.
An Ancient Secret and De Sardet's Truth[]
Following up on discovery of ancient ruins in Verdad, De Sardet talks to Lady Morange who notes there is information on other similar ruins in Glendgnamvar. De Sardet goes there to the small mining outpost to try to access these ancient ruins and learn more about their origin. Passing the old mine, De Sardet reaches the ruins which closely resemble old architecture of the Congregation, and is forced to fight one of the island's guardians. After the fight, De Sardet discovers and old journal and seal bearing the old but recognizable mark of Serene. The truth becomes apparent - ancient settlers mentioned in Natives' stories who tired to exploit the island and were pushed back by the guardians were from the Congregation of Merchants.
De Sardet reports the findings to Constantin and also realises Nauts must have been involved with Serene settlers' first trip to Teer Fradee. However, Admiral Cabral is not willing to give up much information without a favour in return - she asks De Sardet to help sort out their issues with Theleme extremists in San Matheus. De Sardet investigates and learns from Bishop Dormitus that he believe the Nauts are the cause of the Malichor because of their secrets and accuses them of dark magic and pagan acts. De Sardet looks into some of Natus' secrets and learns they have nothing to do with dark magic but are essentially advanced technology, particularly for navigation at the sea which gives Nauts advantage over others in that sphere. De Sardet then must free Nauts held prisoner by Theleme extremists and gather proof of their mistreatment from Ordo Luminis HQ. Presenting the proof to Mother Cardinal leads to further punishment for Ordo Luminis.
Returning to New Serene, De Sardet talks to Admiral Cabral again and she reveals that Nauts and Congregation did indeed once before travel to the island but colonization failed due to resistance of the Natives and their magic. However, Congregations was not willing to give up and paid the Nauts to keep this a secret as well as undertake further secret expeditions to the island. Some of these expeditions included capturing Natives and bringing them back to the continent. One of these Natives gave birth on the Nauts ship and the baby was turned over to the Congregation, growing up to become De Sardet.
Thus, it is revealed that De Sardet is actually Native to the island, which comes as a shock. Siora is the one of companions who expresses most support for De Sardet following the revelation, noting De Sardet should not be sad to discover the origins as one of proud people of the island.
Unexpectedly, more is learned about De Sardet's origin story while assisting Father Petrus on his quest to gain leverage to use to become a Cardinal. Petrus initially asks De Sardet for help in uncovering some of Mother Cardinal Cordelia's secrets, specifically some vices she may be involed in. They turn out to be quite a few as Mother Cardinal is revealed to be organising both inappropriate parties under the palace and betting on rigged fights in the arena, but there is no proof.
So to get leverage on Mother Cardinal, Petrus proposes setting up a fight in the arena with De Sardet participating and ensuring that Mother Cardinal's usual moneylender is unavailable so she would come to Petrus for money - and end up owning him a large sum when De Sardet does not loose a fight as promised. Realising Petrus now has something to use against her, Mother Cardinal Cordelia decides to hurt him in turn and reveals to De Sardet that Petrus not just knew that De Sardet was from the island but also knew the biological mother.
Petrus explains that, during his diplomatic posting in Serene, he used to go to the jail to give spiritual support to the prisoners of the Prince d’Orsay and that is where he met the Native woman who gave birth to De Sardet. He adds he did not know at the time where she came from, as princes' kept their secrets well, but knew the De Sardet's uncle lied about child's origins. He elaborates that he never said anything as he was ashamed of what he did, or did not do - he left the woman to die in jail.
When De Sardet later speaks to Petrus to try to learn more about his biological mother and family, Petrus reveals the woman's name was Arelwin and that she was important in her village, possibly a doneigad. Additionally, she gave a pendant to Petrus which he gave to Livie De Sardet for safekeeping. De Sardet recalls that she gave him this same pendant as they parted in Serene. Petrus further suggests asking the Nauts for information from which village she might have been taken as they should have records of the expeditions. De Sardet is directed by the Admiral to ask an old Captain Lisandro in Hikmet. Lisandro eventually helps De Sardet learn that Arelwin was from village Natives call Vígnámrí and De Sardet sets off there to learn more.
Ullan, the current leader, says he remembers the doneigad kidnapped by the people of the sea many years ago. He tells De Sardet that all warriors went to rescue her but did not succeed and most died, including her partner and De Sardet's biological father. He also reveals that Arelwen was renowned healer across the island and that her sister, Slán, took over as doneigad but could not much her work with all the knowledge that was lost. Petrus deduces here healing talent was likely the cause for her kidnapping as Congregation thought she could help with finding a cure for Malichor, but far from the island she was just frightened woman who lost her powers.
Ullan also points De Sardet to Slán's house but notes she usually enjoys her own company in the wilderness. Villagers direct De Sardet to her possible location, and she is found under attack by some local beasts. De Sardet and companions save her and on the way back to the village tell her what they have learned so far. Slán notes that De Sardet's face reminds her of Arelwen and also reveals that the pendant was given to Arelwen by her partner when they were bound.
Petrus reveals that Arelwen wanted him to help her die, but he was unable to do it, partly fearing someone would find out and he would loose everything. He watched her suffer until she died one day, and he tells De Sardet that Arelwen was the only woman he ever loved. Slán says that her sister was marvelous and loved by everyone and adds that she would have forgiven Petrus, particularly as he brought back De Sardet to her and this the spirit of Arelwen as well. De Sardet also thanks Petrus for the help in finding out more about this secret.
Coup d'Etat[]
In New Serene, upon revealing some of the discoveries to Constantin, including of De Sardet's origin (which Constantin fully accepts), a group of Coin Guard soldiers burst into governor's palace in an attempt of a coup. The coup plays out differently depending on whether De Sardet helped out Kurt with the ghost regiment camp.
Kurt was helped
Kurt reveals Coin Guard Commander's plans to take over the island by eliminating other factions and establishing a base of their own, no longer being dependent on other factions. He explains coups such as in New Serene are set to happen in both Hikmet and San Matheus as well. He assists De Sardet and Constantin, who is increasingly ill, in escaping. De Sardet also ensures safety of other court advisors and sets out with Kurt to stop the coup. Along the way De Sardet also warns Madam De Morange and sends messengers to other factions to warn them as well. De Sardet and Kurt infiltrate the Coin Guard barracks in New Serene to arrest the lieutenants most loyal to the Commander. If done without much combat, they also manage to reach Torsten in time and arrest him as well,
Kurt was not helped
Kurt joins the Coin Guard in attacking De Sardet and Constantin but is defeated. De Sardet can either execute him or spare him, upon which he takes his own life. De Sardet proceeds to ensure safety of Constantin and advisors but does not have time to warn other factions before infiltrating Coin Guard barracks and arresting the lieutenants. De Sardet also learns Commander Torsten and a contingency plan and has fled to the harbour to board the ship for one of the other cities where the coup is taking place. De Sardet can either go to save San Matheus or help Hikmet, but not both. In either case, De Sardet will have to explain to the chosen governor what is going on, bring them to safety, prevent traitors from harming those in the palace and rescue the advisors. Whichever city is not chosen will fall under Torsten's command and its governor and advisors will move to Constantin's court.
With the crisis dealt with, De Sardet meets with Constantin who is at the same time informed that he is suffering from Malichor. He discusses the coup's effects with De Sardet and they note Sieglinde is appointed new commander.
De Sardet can then proceed with seeking possible cure for Malichor on the island and easing Constantin's suffering, as well as dealing with uncovered corruption within the Coin Guard.
The Shadows of the Guard[]
With the coup ended, De Sardet returns to information about Coin Guard corruption, particularly existence of parallel organisation, led by mysterious "Egon", as well as help Kurt (unless he was part of the coup) settle the score with the man who opened the ghost regiment camp - Major Hermann.
Kurt's plan is to have Hermann actually arrested by Ordo Luminis and thus get rid of him without anyone finding out, given the number of followers he has in the guard. De Sardet helps Kurt make a deal with Inquisitor Aloysius to deal with Hermann if he ends up in jail, and also to eventually separate Hermann from his allies and put him in said jail.
Back in New Serene, De Sardet learns that now innkeeper is having issues with merchandise held up and eventually discovers it has become part of "Egon's" contraband smuggling network through which Governor Burhan was trying to poison the Natives with alcohol to get an edge in their fight, but did not know he was dealing with renegade Coin Guard criminals.
Following this, De Sardet is told that Admiral Cabral has complained that Coin Guard has help up one of Nauts' ships in San Matheus, but local Coin Guard has no records of such seizure. Most lieutenants and soldiers De Sardet questions point to issues brought up by the coup as many senior officers were arrested and plans of those corrupted are being revealed. However, one soldier, Sergeant Franz, tells De Sardet the ship's taking is also done by "Egon's" organisation, as it was supposed to be used to transport captured Natives to the continent as slaves. De Sardet saves the Natives and ambushes the soldiers with Franz's help and Lieutenant Alexander takes those responsible to jail.
Back in New Serene, the matter seems resolved, as Lt. Alexander elaborates those connected to criminal activities are being arrested. However, old Captain Ulric is suspicious of such optimism and some discrepancies in the stories as well as Sgt. Franz's disappearance. He asks De Sardet to help him look into the old ghost regiment camp. There they find members of the criminal organisation, plans to kill those who have disrupted their plans and Franz's body but not the leader. Returning to New Serene, De Sardet learns Ulric has been arrested as leader of the organisation by Lt. Alexander. Realising Alexander is the true "Egon", De Sardet confronts him and his men at Coin Guard barracks and puts the end to their organisation.
Constantin's Fate[]
With Constatin suffering from Malichor, De Sardet needs to fid a way to ease the cousin's pain by finding a proper healer. De Sardet can engage oth those from Hikmet and San Metheus but only one able to help is Native Catasach. However, De Sardet first needs to gain trust of this clan by helping its members before Catasach is willing to go to New Serene to help Constantin. This includes also finding the missing Natives and putting an end to Theleme's schemes in the region.
Catasach also helps De Sardet in the quest to meet with En on Mil Frichtimen, by providing his seal which when presented to Glendan will mark De Sardet as a trustworthy friend. To further prove the worthiness and good intentions, De Sardet also needs to complete the Trial of the Waters. The trial will show something about De Sardet by how it is completed - using force or wit. Either way, Glendan reveals De Sardet is worthy but that only the High King can lead the was to En on Mil Frichtimen, and the current one - Vinbarr - has been missing.
Returning to report this to Constantin, De Sardet learns that he has left the palace with Catasach and that their group has apparently been attacked. De Sardet and companions must follow their trail to search for Constantin and find out what has happened. On the way, they find traces of attack by beasts and fire and also find their way to bridge Alliance outposts from which soldiers also took part in the fighting. A surviving soldier explains beasts attacked in the forest, leaving few survivors.
Speaking to the local Native clan led by Daren, De Sardet discovers that this clan did discover Constantin and his entourage but arrived only after the fighting was over and found Catasach dead. De Sardet goes to Mev who is the only one capable of learning more from "dead man's voice" - by conducting a ritual with Catasach's body to learn of his final moments. The vision she sees shows that it was High King Vinbarr who attacked Catasach and Constantin.
De Sardet follows the clues about High King's location to Steiger Falag where someone may know more as this is his home village and where his loved ones still live. It turns out that Vinbarr's partner Cera is also looking for him, and De Sardet can save her from a group of Bridge Alliance soldiers (same ones previously saved from Daren's camp). Cera lets De Sardet come with her to a sacred cave where they may learn more about Vinbarr's intentions and whereabouts. They they discover that Vinbarr plans to transition to a Nadig, but as Cera learns that De Sardet is actually looking for Constantin who was taken by Vinbarr, she traps the group in the cave.
After finding an alternative exit from the cave, De Sardet follows Cera to a secret mountain passage which leads to Vinbarr's sanctuary. There , De Sardet is confronted by Cera who believes that De Seardet used her to find Vinbarr for selfish reasons and to kill him. De Sardet is forced to fight her and few other Natives before climbing further into the mountain.
At the top, De Sardet finds both Vinbarr and Constantin, who is being buried under rocks. Vinbarr circles him commenting he will be the one to ruin this land. Deeming that Vinbarr has gone made during his transition to Nadig, De Sardet attacks to save the cousin and is forced to kill Vinbarr who also transforms during the fight. Constantin is saved and returned to New Serene. It becomes apparent that Catasach had used a ritual to bind Constantin to earth before they were attacked by Vinbarr. This has seemingly helped Constantin get rid of Malichor and he has gained markings similar to those of on ol menawi.
Face to Face with a God[]
With Constantin recovering, De Sardet returns to the quest to meet with En on Mil Frichtimen. However, with Vinbarr slain a new High King or Queen is needed who can help De Sardet. Three nominated candidates include Dunncas, Ullan and Derdre. De Sardet can discuss with all of them their plans for the island and secure their support for meeting the En on Mil Frichtimen.
Dunncas advocates balance in relations with the settlers, and using a cautions and wise approach through which they could potentially learn from each other. Ullan is eager to work closely with the settlers, despite many Native traditions. Derdre wants nothing but to expel all foreigners from the island, aside from those like De Sardet who have been proven to be friends of the Natives.
In any case, De Sardet is tasked with recovering a crown of ancient legendary High King, and to whomever it is given will be named the new one. Siora cautions De Sardet about getting involved in the election, as it will determine the fate of the whole island, and relations with settlers.
The chosen High King or Queen lives up to the given promise and enables De Sardet to meet with En on Mil Frichtmen, who is in the form of a giant talking tree. The deity explains that Malichor is a disease created by the earth itself against the people who overexploited it. It has poisoned the water and the plants, and thus the people. The deity believes it would be possible to heal the earth with the help of the Natives, but for that the island must first be preserved and En on Mil Frichtmen itself. The deity identifies Constantin as a threat, as he took the power that was not meant to be taken and is harming the deity with his corruption. De Sardet argues Constantin has never been corrupt or cared about control, and the deity proposes than it could have been the experience of almost dying from Malichor that changed him. Before any more can be revealed, an intruder is detected in the sanctuary and the deity urges De Sardet to flee before guardians attack everyone in sight.
De Sardet returns to New Serene to tell Constantin what has been learned about Malichor, and can also reveal the rest of the deity's warning in regards to Constantin himself. Either way Constantin does not seem to disturbed.
A New Threat[]
Before De Sardet can take further steps, emissaries from Bridge Alliance and Theleme come to Constantine to ask for assistance in dealing with attacks on their cities by island's beasts. Constantin is reluctant to help, but De Sardet volunteers to assist the allies and proceeds to help both in defending Hikmet and protecting San Matheus. In both cases the settlers suspect Natives of attacking them, but the Natives turn out to be victims themselves and the beasts and Nadaig commanding them seem crazed and diseased.
Returning to New Serene, De Sardet reports to Constantin about attacks, but he remains unconcerned and quickly leaves to attend to personal matters. This sparks De Sardet's concern, and Constantin bodyguard soon reveals that Constantin has been disappearing at night for some time. De Sardet investigates, and finds notes in Constantin's office mentioning a ritual. Tracking Constantin's movements, De Sardet finds him performing a linking ritual. He notes he has big plans but is not ready to reveal them yet and has Nadaig he bonded hold De Sardet off while he escapes.
De Sardet returns to New Serene and finds Constantin's secret lair on the outskirts of the city. There it is revealed Constantin seeks to take over the island and usurp the power of En on Mil Frichtmen to rule and control it. He has additionally linked himself to the island at number of different places in order to get enough power. Dunncas helps De Sardet perform rituals to break Constantin's bonds to these places and weaken his hold.
However, De Sardet realizes that this is not enough to prevent Constantin from attacking En on Mil Frichtmen at the sanctuary and that combined forces of allies will be needed to stop him. De Sardet then sets out to gather as many allies as possible for the final battle against Constantin's creatures, reaching out to Natives, Nauts, Bridge Alliance, Theleme and Coin Guard. De Sardet talks to all of them, explaining Constantin's actions and that he has likely been driven mad by his experiences with Malichor, being abducted by Vinbarr and linked to the island.
With gathered allies and companions, De Sardet sets out to defend from the attack on the heart of the island. Moving through the sanctuary, allies take key positions to defend from the corrupted creatures, and companions who have joined the fight can stay behind to assist them. Eventually De Sardet reaches En on Mil Frichtmen and Constantine alone.
Constantine invites De Sardet to join him in becoming gods of the island, so that they could shape it as they wish and remove those who have plotted and schemed for their selfish benefits. Constantin argues they could build a better world. En on Mil Frichtmen points to Constantin's hypocrisy, as he is guilty of the same corruption he accuses other of. The deity claims Constantin is corrupting the island and wants power for nothing but his selfish benefit.
It is up to De Sardet to either kill Constantin or join him.
Fate of the World[]
Fate of Teer Fradee as well as the continent depends on De Sardet's choice.
- A Better World: If De Sardet chose to kill Constantin and chose Dunncas as High King and gathered all allies both the island and continent will recover. Dunncas will send Natives from the island who will help heal the earth on the continent, and for the first time number of Malichor victims will start to decrease. Dunncas will work with work with those willing to share knowledge and exchange experiences.
- A Big Step Towards Peace: If De Sardet chose to kill Constantin and chosen Dunncas as High King but did not manage to unite all factions, distrust will continue. Situation in the Congregation will improve but Malichor will continue plaguing their neighbours.
- Island for Sale: If De Sardet chose to kill Constantin and chose Ullan for High King the Natives will soon be pushed back to small enclaves and Malichor will continue to spread. Face of the island changes with mines, sawmills, larger cities and at the expense of other clans.
- In all cases, decisions with other factions will affect their fates and futures (e.g. revealing truth about Saint Matheus, sentencing Dr. Asili, keeping Nauts' secrets, dealing with corruption in Coin Guard will have positive effects, while doing otherwise will cause different issues for either the factions or their relations with the Natives)
- Building relations with companions will also affect their fates:
- They can die in the battle
- Kurt can be already dead as result of his part in the coup or become Sieglinde's advisor and still remain at De Sardet's side as protector
- Siora can become Mal of Red Spears along her sister and continue to work with De Sardet or if she previously parted ways with De Sardet she can join the rebels
- Aphra can return to her studies and write a book with Dunncas' clan
- Vasco can become a Nauts Commander and still return to spend time working with De Sardet
- Petrus can become Cardinal, but still sometimes meet with De Sardet
- (De Vespe Conspiracy DLC only) If Aurelia De Vespe is dealt with, her family loses influence and is reduced to one of the most obscure families in the Congregation, however some in New Serene still believe in some of the lies she managed to spread
- Back to the Roots: If De Sardet chose to kill Constantin and chose Derdre as High Queen she will drive off the settlers and destroy what they have built. Old nations go to war and die of Malichor.
- New Gods: If De Sardet joins Constantin they become new gods of the island. Most of those fighting in the final battle die. Old nations turn to warfare, accusing each other as guilty for defeat, while Malichor continues to spread. On the island, nature reclaims cities and settlements. Many rebel Natives die in the chaos and those who remain eventually acknowledge the power of two cousins.
- Aphra and Petrus die together in battle, not able to accept the betrayal of the one they believed in
- Vasco escapes with the Naut fleet and goes to their island, where he remains for the rest of his days in bitterness
- Kurt manages to leave the island but dies on another battlefield
- Siora can either become Nadaig during the battle to protect En on Mil Frichtmen but falls under corruption and Constantin's control, or she can return to her sister to lead rebellion for a while but eventually acknowledge the power of two new gods