The Codex contains important information and details about the lore of Greedfall.
List of codex entries[]
The Merchant Congregation[]
Bridge Alliance[]
Coin Guard[]
Natives of Tír Fradí[]
On the Continent of Gacane[]
On Tír Fradí[]
- Region of New Sérène
- Glendgnámvár, "The Shore of the Tall Bones"
- Vedrad, "The Red Woods"
- Magasvár, "The Vale of the Great Battle"
- Wenshaganaw, "The Singing Waters"
- Region of Hikmet
- San-Matheus
- Frasoneigad, "The Ancients' Woods"
- Tír Dob, "The Black Lands"
- Vedvilvie
- Steiger Falág, "The Rocky Steps"
- Meinei Falag, "The Rocky Mounts"
- Dorgred, "The Heart's Gates"
- Cwenvar, "The Tall Trees"
- Anemhaid, "The Fiery Soul"
- Coin Arena
- Aidág ol creidaw "The Flaming Blood"
Ulgs and Vailegs[]
Andrígs and Dantríg[]
Tenlans and Yorglands[]
Lewolans, Lewoilgs and Lanvras[]
Common Fauna[]
Nádaig, The "Guardians of Teer Fradee"[]
- Unknown Creature
- Nádaig Frasamen
- Corrupted Nádaig Frasamen
- Nádaig Meneimen
- Corrupted Nádaig Meneimen
- Nádaig Védemen
- Corrupted Nádaig Védemen
- Nádaig Glendemen
- Corrupted Nádaig Glendemen
- Nádaig Magamen
- Corrupted Nádaig Magamen
Ingredients from Creatures[]
Game Guides[]
- Combat Basics
- Magic Combat Basics
- Tactical Pause
- Sheathing
- The Compass
- Sprint
- Enemy Detection
- Light Magic
- Firearms
- Potions
- Armour
- Fury
- Exploration
- Merchant Camps
- Merchant Caravans
- Campsites
- Your Accommodation
- Direct Access to the Map of the Region
- Gaining a Level
- Reset of Your Character's Progress
- Lantern
- Reputation
- Zones Controlled by Other Factions
- The Crafting Table
- Weight Limit
Notes Found During Your Adventure[]
- Abandoned letter
- Admiral's notes
- Alba's journal
- Alchemical research book
- Beginning of a letter from a young scout
- Captive registry
- Diary of a certain Aphra
- Formation report
- Itinerant priest's diary page
- Journal of Captain Idris
- Journal of the captain of the Oriflamme
- Journal of the missionary mother
- Letter found at the home of Father Claudius
- Letter found in Claudius's chest
- Letter found on a dead inquisitor
- Letter from an alchemist from Al Saad
- Letter from Egon to the customs officer
- Letter from Father Octavius to the captain of the Vedrad Outpost
- Letter from Major Hermann
- Letter from one of Master Ferhat's acquaintances
- Letter from the Commander
- Letter from the innkeeper to the servant
- Letter from the secretary of the embassy
- Letter signed by Egon
- List of inquisitors involved in the secret camp
- Major Hermann's journal
- Memorandum to the attention of the Laboratory Guards
- Memorandum to the attention of the miners
- Message found on the dead body of a missionary
- Message from the inquisitor Bishop Domitius
- Message to Commander Torsten
- Mother Cardinal Cornelia's account book
- Night training order
- Note from a Servant
- Note from the captain of the Vedrad Outpost
- Note from the leader of the expedition
- Note to the attention of the servant
- Old and almost illegible journal
- Orders from the harbour office
- Ordo Luminis's account book
- Page torn from a journal
- Pages from sailor Lisandro's journal
- Patrol's orders
- Poorly written notice
- Preliminary autopsy results
- Property deed of the logging expedition
- Smuggler's journal
- Soldier's diary page
- Torn out diary page
- Traveller's diary page
- Unfinished letter from a merchant to his family
- Letter from a soldier of Serafeddin's expedition
- Letter from Professor Serafeddin wrapped in a packaging
- Message from a member of Professor Serafeddin's expedition
- Message from a soldier of Serafeddin's expedition
- Message in a bottle regarding Professor Serafeddin's expedition
- Message to the attention of Professor Serafeddin
- Page from Professor Serafeddin's journal found by a soldier of the Alliance
- Page torn from Professor Serafeddin's journal
- Page torn from Professor Serafeddin's journal
- Page torn from Professor Serafeddin's journal 2
- Professor Serafeddin's notes
- Professor Serafeddin's work notes
- Professor Serafeddin's work notes 2
- Professor Serafeddin's journal
- Contract: Missing scout
- Contract: Kill the group of bandits
- Contract: Pest control
- Contract: Stolen cargo
- Contract: Enraged Dantríg
- Contract: Destroy the Yorglans' Nests
- Contract: The traveller's grave
- Pages from Constantin's journal
- Constantin's research notes
The De Vespe Conspiracy Codex entries[]
- Aurélia De Vespe’s diary
- Letter from a sympathiser
- Letter from Julia d’Orsay
- Letter from Lady Morange
- Note concerning a delivery
- Note concerning the Nauts
- Note from Aurélia De Vespe
- Note to Madam Lavoisin
- Notes on Aphra, of the Bridge Alliance
- Notes on Bishop Petrus, of Thélème
- Notes on Constantin d’Orsay
- Notes on Governor Burhan
- Notes on Governor Cornelia
- Notes on Governor Torsten
- Notes on Kurt, of the Coin Guard
- Notes on Legate De Sardet
- Notes on Naut Vasco
- Notes on Síora, savage princess
- Propaganda Poster
- Wedding Contract