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The Congregation of Merchants (also known as the Merchant Congregation or simply the Congregation) is an Old Continent nation of merchant families who command a great deal of commercial power, so much so that they can maintain neutrality between warring factions. It is currently led by Prince d'Orsay, whose son Constantin d'Orsay was recently granted the governorship of New Serene, the Congregation's latest colony on Teer Fradee.


The Merchant Congregation is a nation originally formed of several city-states that have united commercially while maintaining a certain autonomy. The Congregation is currently comprised of numerous city states but the known ones consist of Serene, New Serene and Peran. It is currently unknown how large the Congregation is or how far its territory extends into the continent in comparison to Thélème or the Bridge Alliance. However it is implied that while the other two nations seek to dominate the continent through force of arms and ideology. The Congregation is more content to expand its economic power. Therefore it can be assumed that the Congregation is not an expansive nation. Though it is still powerful enough to be guaranteed a voice among the larger powers.

The Congregation is ruled by the Congregation Council. The Council is made up of the chosen leaders of the city states that make up the nation. Each city state is ruled by a Merchant Prince who acts as his cities representative for the council. The prince of the largest and richest city state (currently House d'Orsay of Serene) acts as the unofficial leader of the Council. While in theory, the council is considered a gathering of equals. In practice the Prince with the most money and influence dominates the Council and decides the policies of the Congregation. Current members of the council consist of Prince Claude d'Orsay of Serene and Prince Alexander de Vespe of Peran.

While the ruling Merchant families of the Congregation practice hereditary power and respect noble lineage. It is expected that each generation will maintain and expand their families wealth, prestige and power in and outside the Congregation. The younger family members are expected to form new profitable business ventures or act in official political offices to bring respect and (more importantly) wealth to their families, native cities and the Congregation as a whole. If the ruling Merchant families fall into decline or poverty, they can be ousted from power by a new ruling Merchant family. This can be either a rising Merchant family in their native city or a rival family from another Congregation city.

The Congregation devotion to economic ventures and profit can be seen in their national banner. The symbol of the Congregation is comprised of a blue flag with golden coins emblazoned within their symbol.

The Congregation does not appear to field any military force of its own. Instead, it prefers to rely on the service of mercenaries such as the Coin Guard. While the guard does appear to consist of some Congregation born citizens. It is implied that the guard has no formal loyalty to the Congregation beyond the payment of their service contract. The Congregation and the guard appear to be mostly content with this arrangement as it allows the Merchants to make profit while avoiding risk to themselves. Meanwhile the guard is mostly content to enjoy a fruitful symbiotic existence with the Congretation in the long-term. However this arrangement is also susceptible to corruption by more short-sighted and violent members of the Coin Guard as seen on Teer Fradee.

The Congretaion also does not appear to have any form of personal naval forces. Instead all shipping needs or naval travel is done by employing the services of the Nauts. This is a strange situation as it would appear that it gives the Nauts a potential strangle hold on all of the Congregations mercantile shipping which is the source of their power. However the Nauts are known to be honourable and to uphold their contracts. The Congregation might feel that it is a reasonable situation to ensure that their goods are transported by the best sailors in the known world.

Resolved to remain neutral in the many clashes between the other nations of the continent, it has positioned itself as a necessary intermediary for commercial and diplomatic exchanges in the old world, and has long drawn wealth and significant cultural influence. But the deterioration of their relations with the natives and the ravaging malichor have gradually undermined its power that it hopes to renew thanks to its new colony on Teer Fradee.


'An Island to govern. Treaties to sign. Riches to Expediate'. Constantine d'Orsay

The Congregation is a merchant principality that prides itself on its neutrality. In fact the Congregation seems to take a dim view of warfare or open violence of any kind. They see open conflict as bad for business and prefer to resolve their disputes with money or deals then through force of arms. This is shown in their refusal to raise their own military forces and instead rely on the Coin Guard and the Nauts. However, this could be seen cutting an unnecessary expense, rather then any moral stance. They also are determined to remain neutral in the war between Theleme and the Bridge Alliance, and have even managed to maintain good relations with both while dealing with their enemy.

The Congregation have also managed to avoid conflict with the various native tribes on Teer Fradee. While occasional clashes of interests have occurred between individual natives and congregation citizens. The official relations between the two nations appear to be somewhat positive. To the point where native tribes have sort the Congregations aid against the armies of the Bridge Alliance or the missionaries of Theleme. That being said, the Congregation have already gained a somewhat wary reputation among the natives for 'Never giving anything away for free'.

While the Congregation may no longer seek open conquest and now instead prefers to dominate economically. It appears that there was a time in its history when the Congregation was more militant and focused on direct conquest. This is shown in the actions of the Congregation in the first discovery of Teer Fradee. Based on stories and ruins it seems that the first arrivals to the island were far more destructive and cruel to both the natives and their own citizens. It is unknown why the culture of the Congregation appears to have shifted away from military conquest to economics. However it is possible that the destruction of the first colonisation attempt claimed the lives of the more militant members of the Congregation. It might have also been so damaging to the Congregation that they were persuaded to focus on less violent and bloody means of securing their power.

However, the Congregation is certainly not made up of pacifists. While open warfare and violence my be seen as distasteful to the Merchant families. Intrigue, blackmail, threats, assassination, deceit and poisoning are all common occurrences. Especially within the upper echelons of power. The House of de Vespe has a notorious reputation for these violent habits. However, in truth all the ruling families participate in some degree in this great game of politics. Even House d'Orsay has used such methods which were linked to the death of the older brother of Constantine d'Orsay by the order of his own step mother.

The common citizens are not immune to these acts either. Many store owners or merchants are known to use dishonourable methods to advance their own business while driving out their competition. The national stance of the Congregation against warfare and open combat appears to be more rooted in matters of profit, rather then morality.

Given the Congregations focus on business and negotiation rather then martial skill. Diplomats and Legates command a high level of respect among the nobility of the Congregation. It has long been established that nobles who can make a favourable arrangement with other nations are more valuable then those who are skilled at arms. While the ruling families are expected to act as Princes or Governors, the second rank nobles are often places as Legates for the Governors or ambassadors to other nations. Nobles with skills in negotiation, oratory, persuasion and charisma are highly sort after as diplomats. House De'Serdet has fulfilled this role on behalf of their ruling family members in House d'Orsay.

While the Congregation does not focus on martial skill. Most nobles are taught to wield a blade from childhood. However this is usually limited to honour duels that reflect little real combat. However some Merchant nobles decide to increase their combat skills in blade, firearms or magic. Some even train all three area's of skill if they have the talent for it.

With its purchasing power to keep themselves well-protected through the Coin Guard as well as the demand other nations have on their goods, the Congregation has been virtually untouched by the conflict that engulfs the rest of the continent, mainly between Thélème and the Bridge Alliance (the latter of which wishes to annex the Congregation through peaceful means). Despite this, the Congregation seeks to establish a foothold on Teer Fradee in search of a cure for the Malichor.

Notable Members[]

  • De Sardet: the protagonist. A member of the ruling prince's family and the new Legate of New Serene who acts as the chief diplomat for the Congregation on Teer Fradee.
  • Princess de Sardet: de Sardet's ailing mother who is slowly succumbing to the Malichor. She is the sister of Prince d'Orsay and aunt of Constantin d'Orsay.
  • Constantin d'Orsay: the new governor of New Serene, appointed by his father Prince d'Orsay.
  • Sir de Courcillon: a professor employed by Houses d'Orsay and de Sardet to tutor Constantin and his cousin. He is now an advisor to Constantin on Teer Fradee,tasked with mapping the region and sending reports back to the prince.
  • Madame de Morange: the former governor of New Serene prior to Constantin's appointment.
  • Aurélia de Vespe


  • With its emphasis on sea trade as well as the names of its characters, the Congregation is most likely based on France as well as European trading republics and families such as Venice and the Hansa.